Reflecting on Faith, Hope & Love

I am in the midst of a 9-month discipleship program through Frontier Alliance International, called Emmaus Online. In this week's lesson, which was on the interconnectedness of faith, hope and love, one of our instructors, Stephen Struebing, shared about a dream he had, which reminded me of a dream I had in August of 2015. In the first part of this dream, I was in a church. I think it was my or someone else’s birthday and we were having a worship service instead of a typical birthday party. I went to the basement of the church and there found a few friends from my old life, drinking, and smoking. They asked me to stay there with them to party. I begged them to come upstairs with me to the service, but they wouldn’t come. I left them to go back upstairs and the moment I walked back into the sanctuary, the entire church lifted from the ground, leaving the basement part behind, and lifted into the sky. My vision changed at this point like I was in space and could see the...