No One Runs Alone

So, a few months ago, a co-worker of mine told me about this thing she does. This thing, she said, involves running at 5:30 in the morning, three and sometimes 4 mornings a week, through the streets of Baltimore city, with a group of men and women who become your people, your team...your family. At first, I didn’t give this thing much thought, because, well...let’s be real…

Gabby does not get up unless the sun gets up too and sometimes even then, Gabby doesn’t get up. Running at 5:30 in the morning means waking up at 4:30 in the morning in order to get your life together enough to be out of the house by 5, to make it to said place by 5:30. Waking up at 4:30 in the morning means that you get your clothes and food ready the night before, because (speaking from experience) you just never know what you might be eating for lunch the next day- if you have a lunch at all, or what you might be wearing (or not wearing because you forgot it). Waking up at 4:30 in the morning also requires that you go to bed before 10pm, but best before 9pm so that you can at least get 7.5 hours of sleep. I function best on 8. Going to bed early is hard! I am a PRO at thinking of EVERYTHING that was SO important to do that I forgot about it till 9pm...which, as previously stated, becomes bedtime if you are indeed going to be getting up at 4:30 the next morning.

Now, I love Jesus with all of my heart, but He (as He did have a pretty enormous role in creating me) and I both know that I am completely useless at 4:30 in the morning. I have never ever ever...ever...been able to get up early to do my Bible study. I have tried time and time again and I will make it for 1, 2, maybe 3 mornings before I fail miserably and have to have a planning session with Jesus to re-evaluate things because I have yet again fallen asleep with either my Bible on top of my face or my face on top of my Bible...depending on the extent of my failure. This has made me sad over the years because I know it is important to start your day off with time spent in His presence and in His Word. Yet, I have usually found it best to have this time in the evening or before bed, which poses it’s own challenges because at these times everyone and their mother (and your mother) is awake and wants to talk. Your brain has also been doing a lot of thinking and planning and may find it quite difficult to shut up, be still...and listen.

A few months ago I also specifically asked Jesus if we could go on an adventure. I thought this adventure may involve some sort of major change, such as a job change, a cross-country move, you know the leave all behind and become a missionary in Africa with your parents kind-of adventure. I was discouraged with a lot of things and also whining about being in Baltimore. I get antsy. I miss Swaziland so very much. When it hit me that I have now been in Baltimore longer than I ever lived in really threw me through a loop. I never in my life imagined I would end up in Baltimore and I for sure never thought I would stay in Baltimore. Yet here I am in Baltimore 7 years later. With a house. And a my house.

In my journal after I told Jesus I was longing for an adventure, I let Him know that I would stay in Baltimore as long as He wanted me to be here. And I prayed that He would change my heart to see this city how He sees it. I long for adventure, yes. But I want adventure on His terms because I know that wherever I am with Him, wherever we are together….is the greatest adventure there is. This journey is beautiful and I don’t want to miss what He is doing in and through and around me, because I am so consumed with where I am, the progress I think I’ve made or not made...where I am going or not going. Truly, when we are wrapped up in Him, all of these things are taken care of. Contentment.
Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. Philippians 4:11
Now there is great gain in godliness with contentment... 1 Timothy 6:6
But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Matthew 6:33
Back to this incredible thing I was talking about. Back on My Feet (BoMF) is a non-profit organization currently operating in 12 major cities throughout the United States, one being Baltimore. BoMF aims to help combat homelessness through the power of running, community support and essential employment and housing resources. The mindset is that if you first restore confidence strength and self-esteem, individuals are better equipped to get back on their feet, when it comes to recovery, jobs, homes, a fresh start. Volunteers partner with members, which in Baltimore include men and/or women from 5 different missions, recovery centers, resource centers throughout the city. Volunteers go through a volunteer orientation which occurs one Wednesday evening a month and then are able to choose which team they want to join.

Following orientation and choosing a team, volunteers basically just have to show up. For some that involves financial support and/or resources. For some that means showing up on Monday, Wednesday and/or Friday mornings at 5:30 to run between 2 and 4 miles, and/or Saturday mornings to run up to 10 miles (maybe more). For some, that means showing up to races to support those running or to run alongside their teammates. Each morning before the run, the team circles up and there are hugs all around. The Serenity Prayer is said together and sometimes there are announcements or congratulations for a member who has reached a milestone or perhaps successfully graduated the program. After the run, which as I will shortly explain can be such an incredible adventure and lesson, the team circles up once more to stretch and to encourage one another before saying goodbye.

On October 17th I went to the volunteer orientation for Back on My Feet, and on October 19th, at 5:30 in the morning I joined my team- Helping Up Mission, for my first run. It was pitch black outside and freezing cold, but as I was greeted with hugs and watching everyone take a genuine interest in one another’s lives, my heart was warmed. This particular day was the day before the Baltimore Running Festival, so the excitement was very evident and encouragement was spoken all around the circle. We ran 2 miles that morning and I learned the BoMF motto, ”No one runs alone”.

It’s not so much about competing and improving your time as it is about being there for your team. And sometimes the being there can be harder than the competing, harder than the striving to improve your time. It’s going back for a teammate who is struggling to keep up that morning, even if it means you know you will have to run a little or a lot slower than what you could run if you were on your own. It’s admitting when you are struggling yourself and asking for help, knowing it will mean you are causing someone else to have to run slower for you. It’s taking the time to engage in conversation even when you’re tired and finding it hard to breathe, or maybe you just don’t feel like talking, because you just never know how you’re taking the time to listen and respond can impact another person’s life, or even how it can impact your own.

Over the past few weeks, since I have joined BoMF, a few things have shifted or adjusted. One being my bedtime. And another being my perspective. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, when it’s cold out, when it’s raining and cold out, and when it would be so much easier, so much more comfortable to get back under my covers and sleep, warmly, for another 2 hours...I haven’t been able to do that. Because I know my team is out there rain or shine, cold or hot. Circled up. Regardless of how they feel. And ready to run. Together.

This morning, my running buddy and I decided to run 3 miles. We were with a larger group to start off, but they were going a little faster and went on ahead of the now three of us who were running together. At some point, one of the guys stopped and said that he wasn’t sure, but felt like we had definitely been running more than 3 miles and we weren’t even close to home. In fact, we were very off track. Somehow, we had missed a turn and what was supposed to be 3 miles turned into about 6. We were tired and ready to be finished, but we knew we had to make it back and encouraged each other along the way. Our team sent someone in a car to look for us because we were gone so long, but by the time they found us we were almost back. And our team was there waiting for us.

Getting lost this morning was one of the most fun and happiest experiences I have had. I’m not sure my running buddies felt the same, but I was smiling and praying as I ran, watching the sun rise over this incredible...broken...rough...beautiful city...Baltimore. Running alongside some incredible people, with incredible stories, feeling blessed and thanking God that our stories have somehow intertwined. Traffic started to pick up as people started their days, heading to work, the smell of freshly baked bread from H&S Bakery filling the air. Though it was still early, our day had started a few hours before, with a decision to get out of our warm, cozy beds to go out in the cold to circle up with our team. Getting up and out there is easier when you know your team is waiting for you.

I think I got the adventure I was asking for. And a heart change along with it. Thank You, Jesus, for this team, this people. Thank You for this city and the opportunity to see it with new eyes, for the opportunity to pray as I run the streets at 5:30 in the morning.

And another cool thing. When we’re finished, it’s still early enough to go to work and have at least an hour, sometimes an hour and a half to spend alone with Jesus, now that I have been fully awakened by the warm hugs and the morning run. I may be half asleep and a little more sore come 8:30pm these days, but I am content knowing that they started well, and knowing that I am exactly where He wants me.
Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their efforts. For if either falls, his companion can lift him up; but pity the one who falls without another to lift him up. Also, if two lie down together, they can keep warm; but how can one person alone keep warm? And if someone overpowers one person, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not easily broken. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
Now we who are strong have an obligation to bear the weaknesses of those without strength, and not to please ourselves. Each one of us is to please his neighbor for his good, to build him up. Romans 15:1-2
Carry one another’s burdens; in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2


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