Attachments, Seeds and The Faithfulness of God
I want to take a moment and give God praise. This past year has been a rough one- marriage is hard Y'ALL! I actually just spent some time reading through my old journals from over the last 8 years since I've been walking with Christ and there are so many journal entries where I am praying about and for my husband. Yes, it's been hard, but God knew what He was doing and knows still. It has revealed the state of my yucky heart more than anything else has to date. There's a lot of yuck in there. But He is faithful. I love my husband so much. He has such a tender heart toward me and most importantly, toward God. And I am pretty sure he is the only man in this world who could put up with my crazy lol. I have seen God at work in his life, molding him into a man after His heart and teaching him how to lead our family. The other night we got into a fight. My mom happened to be here that night and she could tell something was wrong. When Asrat went to the basement to sleep sh...