
Goodbyes are probably hard for most, if not everyone, at least sometimes. I thought by now it would be easier. It's not. Thankfully, I have not lost anyone that I was extremely close to in a very long time. One of my grandfathers passed when I was 9. I was close to him and it was painful, but I think what was more painful was seeing how much pain my mom and grandmother were in, so I tried really hard to be strong for them. After he passed, I really struggled with this fear that others close to me who I loved were going to die. As in, I would go check on my parents and siblings multiple times throughout the night because I would wake up in a panic wondering if they had died...or after watching Left Behind , if they had been raptured, leaving me behind because I forgot to say sorry for being mean that day. When we moved to Swaziland, the goodbyes were really hard, but I think somehow it felt more like we were going on a really long trip and there was so much excitement about m...