Running with God...

I went on a women's retreat this weekend. It was totally God how it worked out. Very last minute. I did not get much studying done, but I know it was where I was supposed to be so it was worth it to me. God really worked on my heart this weekend. I am scared to death walking forward...and I keep (me, being my normal stressed out self) wanting to think about it, plan it..."what if tomorrow...what if this person...what if when I go here...what if I can't do it..." and the reason I never finish the thoughts it that though I am "trying" to stress about it, I feel this overwhelming peace...God is quieting my heart and reminding me that He is with me. Unlike the past 6 years where I told Him what I was doing and when and why, and occasionally asked for His input but never waited for an answer...I am truly ready to live for Him and with Him.

I went for a run was quite a strange run, but so peaceful. So revealing. In a way this run mirrored my life thus far, and God used it to give me a message.

Just as I was about to turn the last corner that signified the end of my run, a still small voice whispered, "Keep going, I have so much to show you."

He led me down a small street I had never noticed. It was quiet. Peaceful. I felt His love in the shiver that radiated through my body. The nearness of Him almost made me forget I was running.

The road suddenly came to an end and I was on the main road once more. Such an abrupt change. Cars flying by. People. Running. Walking. Too close. My heart began to race, my lungs trying to keep up, and I was suddenly aware that my legs were indeed tired...I nearly stopped...

but the whisper... "Keep going My child. Keep going." I closed my eyes for a brief second and asked Him to steady my heart. I once more reached the place where my run was to come to an end...but I still felt my journey to be incomplete.

I ran past a graveyard and turned around, only noticing it in my second passing. Something overcame me. My heart, lungs, and legs stopped and as I stood there staring at the tombstones, a song came to mind...and I finally understood.

"No guilt in life, no fear in death- this is the power of Christ in me.
From life's first cry to final breath, Jesus commands my destiny.
No power of hell, no scheme of man, can ever pluck me from His hand.
Till He returns or calls me home, here in the power of Christ I'll stand."

This journey will not always be comfortable and peaceful. You will not always feel Me or hear Me through the chaos and confusion. There will be distractions. But through all of this, YOU ARE Mine. I command your destiny, not you. I knew who you would be before you were even a thought, I knew all of the twists and turns and I have GREAT plans for your life. Your purpose in not yet complete. We have only just begun. Your identity is in Me, alone. And I. will. NOT. let. you. go.

Keep going. I have so much to show that I've got your attention.


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