Coming Back. September 16, 2008

This is a post from my first blog, written in 2008 when the struggle/war for my identity became real...crazy how even the midst of the confusion and struggle, I knew God was speaking to me, giving me words to speak, to sing that would be prophetic. He knew I would be...

Coming Back... 9/16/08

This is the title of a song God put in my heart 2 weeks ago. It's funny how the words only began speaking to my heart and situation this week. Or maybe I just wasn't prepared to listen to Him then.

I'm tired of walking this dark road
And I can't do it on my own
I'm at the point of desperation
Crying out in my frustration
Why can't I feel you?
Does that mean you are not there?
And if I can't hear your voice-
Does that mean you do not care?

Let Me speak some truth over this situation
Let me speak some truth over this situation
Let me speak some truth
Yes, I can hear you-
And yes I care.
Yes, I am with you...
I've always been there.
I am your Father
I am your Saviour
I'm your Deliverer and Redeemer...
I am I AM.

I'm coming back...
I'm coming back...
I'm coming You.

You know those times where we just completely shut God out of the picture?? Where you know full well He is speaking to you but you choose not to listen or to make dumb "oh he can't be talking to me...or that doesn't apply directly to what's going on" Well...that's been me...for a few months now. I can't go into detail about what's been going on but let's just say it's been a struggle. Don't worry I wasn't on drugs and I haven't accumulated a drinking problem guys!!!....but it was something I never thought I would struggle with. At first I could hear God speaking clearly to me...."come back"..."this isn't right"...but as my heart became harder His voice became weaker and weaker until the point where I think He just gave up trying to speak directly to me. That's when He started speaking through other people. 2 sundays ago at church we were worshipping and the Lord spoke through Brother Ron, a powerful man of God who also goes to HPC. He said "How dare you call me Lord when I am not master in your life?"

You would think I would have gotten the message...I felt my heart stirring but I wasn't ready to deal with the situation, so yet again I ignored Him. I simply quit singing the song.

I had convinced myself that nothing was wrong even though I knew otherwise in my heart. It is so easy to let our flesh and feelings control how we live and the choices we make...I guess once you are convinced that everything is okay what your heart cries out seems irrelevant because you become "comfortable" in your situation. I am soo thankful that God loves me enough not to give up on me when I totally turn away from Him. I only realized how much He wanted me back when He spoke to a lady I don't really even know...and told her to be praying for me. Finally He showed her why and everything was illuminated. It's actually quite funny...God was tired of me not listening so He decided to fill everyone close to me in on what I was sooo desperately trying to hide. Thanks God!! :)

So this past week has been like a war for me. Every moment of the day I have to choose what to believe and to let Jesus be my master. Sometimes the pain in my heart is so unbearable, I feel like giving up...but then I remind myself...God didn't, hasn't, and WON'T give up on me!! Not ever...and I simply cannot understand that kindof love...but I am so grateful for it. Jesus did speak truth over my situation and continues to do so every day, especially through the amazing people He has put in my life.


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